Last night was a blast. Although it started out just being plain funny. Fosters threw a swanky soiree at the Four Seasons featuring a bunch of Australian designers. Now at this point we were all blissfully unacquainted with the manic emcee (who’s name I recently discovered is Mansi Bhohal and who’s high pitched voice I will never forget) and were giggling over the collections titled “Hussy” and “Subfusco” (what is “fusco” and what then would make something sub-fusco sort of thing.) Anyway, from the fairly amateur models that stomped and stuttered down the runway it was pretty obvious all the seasoned sashay-ers were still in Delhi for Fashion Week and we were witnessing the B lot. (Although the one odd model was pretty enough, there was something definitely askew about most of them.)

Then of course we had our Zoolander moment when one spunky male model did an entire bump & grind down the ramp never dropping his “blue steel” expression even for a second. (I have to say it takes either very brave or very brazen men to wear some of the short shorts on display in Kooey’s “Hello Summer” collection.)

I spotted the clever young Indian novelist Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan (trust me and read her book, “You Are Here”) having a giggle in the front row with pals. She also shared my utter horror at the emcee who decided to impromptu interview Subfusco (who’s clothes apparently were lost in luggage land somewhere over the seven seas.) She rattled on about his absent collection (which I’m thinking she’s probably never seen) threw in a “wow friends” here and there and then decided to ask him the million dollar question; (which elicited a gasp of horror from the audience.) “So are you going to be inspired by India do you think? Like maybe the Taj Mahal or beggars?”
(Ah Slumdog, the stories you’ll tell.)

Meanwhile Archana Kochhar commented that everything was going well expect for the disastrous lady with a microphone. Turns out the original emcee sprained her foot so couldn’t wear heels. (I think I ran into her at Cafe Goa on Tuesday, it was apparently a stiletto related incident.)

Can’t say much for the pseudo Australian desi fashion but I quite liked the short choreographed instrumental interludes by Jessica Nicholas though.
Around 10:15pm we decided to hit the GQ Bar Night at Olive Mahalaxmi, Mumbai. Quite the glamorous turn out and I’m mystified at how they managed to keep the riff-raff out considering it was open bar and open house. (Now don’t judge me, I meant the droolers and shakers that love to cop a feel or down a freebie while scoping cleavage) FYI The gooseberry and strawberry capriocia’s were delish and the party seemed to be a roaring success (pictures here.)
Eventually though the rhythm is gonna get you and a fair amount of the GQ crew ended up at Zenzi in town (henceforth known as Zenzi Mills), Mumbai. It was of course salsa night and the waiters bopped along to the beat!
Spotted: Newlyweds Ashwin Mushran and Rebecca Maria Vaz