Last night someone pointed out that we (especially all the Gujju’s in the house) should be real proud of the American Idol Season 8 finalist Anoop Desai (dubbed adorkable by his fan site!) As I blog this I’m watching the show and apart from the hilarious intros of hosts Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and (who Ryan Seacrest referred to as Darth Vader) Simon Cowell I’m also pretty happy to see a brown face in the finals. Unfortunately he’s in the bottom three tonight and is singing to save his spot. I think we should vote for him.
Here’s how: The voting number changes every week so watch the show or check out the weeks voting number on this website voting starts at the end of the show, 10pm, and should last two hours.
As I finished blogging this I just heard Anoop is safe this week! lets keep it that way. Besides, you gotta love anyone who’d sing Bobby Brown’s “My Prerogative” right?!