I’m a big fan of Birthday’s (as you may have noticed) and this one turned out to be particularly fabulous thanks to all the non-stop wishes and action-packed evening that followed. So thank you all for contributing to the madness and thank god for the LPC because I’ve caught it all on camera!

So it all started with cake and flowers at the office (thank you team @ Radio One!) and followed with a make up lesson at MAC courtesy a lovely fellow called Cherag who does a lot of celebrity make up work as well of course. (@putul_ishita twittered me about wanting to know more so she could avoid looking like a racoon in eye-shadow and I love that so will get you the full lo down with pictures asap.) Of course I wanted two of everything he used on my face and have managed to put a sizable dent in my wallet to the tune of 25,000rs ($525) but at least I’ve got the “dewy” look down. (Yes I know that’s nuts but it was my birthday and not the kind of store you can say what?! Is this stuff made of gold or something?! in. I was also pretty distracted by these two super cute toy terriers a fellow makeup junkie brought in that everyone gushed over.)
Seriously, they looked like this.

Cut to Zenzi Mills for a quick drink (and a few shots) followed by the most fabulous night of live tunes at Blue Frog by Nikhil D’Souza and the Naked Tops playing all their original compositions all night long.

(I love that they set up the band up close and personal instead of on stage, really worked brilliantly.) Like I said these guys are fabulous and mentioned how they love doing live gigs more than in-studio stuff themselves so it looks like everybody wins! Of course supporter # 1 Sapna Bhavnani was there bouncing around the dance floor with her usual infectious energy. I even spotted Uday Benegal and Suresh & Devika Bhojwani were seated in one of the dinner pods enjoying their evening.
When the gig wrapped (after several encores) I headed over the China House anniversary party to clock in my celebrity spotting (and also to kinda see if I’ve still got it!) Well worth it as you will see from my next post (and yes, I’ve definitely still got it. *grin*)