Priya Kumar
Priya Kumar

If Annie Lennox had been to Priya Kumar’s workshop on Thursday she may have had to rephrase her hit song


“feels like I’m walking on broken glass” because I tried that, walking on broken glass that is, and it felt like absolutely nothing! So lets back up just a teeny bit, my friend Sharon who works in PR called me one day to tell me about this amazing book she’d read and this writer she’s promoting (now I love Sharon because she’s extremely up front about stuff and will rarely make a big deal out of something unless she genuinely thinks so) so I simply had to read this book. I’m always a little skeptical about books that fall into the “self-improvement” or “spiritual awakening” category and only warmed to them when I really got into a series by Dr. Brian Weiss who wrote about a regression therapy patient he once had who totally changed his life because she regressed into some of her own past lives, well past her childhood. No kidding.

(Watch unedited videos on my YouTube channel

Anyhow, Priya Kumar’s book “I am Another You” was easy to read, her experiences with Shaman rituals in the Netherlands was particularly fascinating and for some reason the one thing that stayed with me well past reading the book was this simple observation she made; we spend so much of our time and energy worrying about what other people think of us and how they judge us, never realizing they also live with that very same fear and probably aren’t even thinking about us all that much, we’re actually all pretty alike when it comes to fear  – and that my friends is the rub (and such a good point really) so read the book, it’ll nix that “nobody gets me, I’m all alone feeling” in a flash 🙂

even mister wiseguy gave it go!
even mister wiseguy gave it a go!
and appears to have become a fan...
and appears to have become a fan…

P.S. I didn’t go first but I seriously walked on broken glass, it turned out to be a lot less hocus-pocus then I anticipated and some may argue its easy enough if you’re not doing a Hema Malini Sholay dance number on it (Priya joked about that too) but from what I understood it basically boils down to a lesson in  intention and focus. If you have those, you can pretty much do anything. Right Priya?

I Am Another You
I Am Another You