gone too soon
gone too soon

Today is a bitter-sweet one. I feel an odd sort of fascination for the King of Pop since his demise that I admit I am guilty of not sharing while he was alive. I also know I am not alone. Since I heard about his sudden (and evidently unnatural) death I have watched almost all the home video footage I could find on YouTube. I’ve looked for clues to the man behind the glittered glove and found mostly a boy; compassion, humility, love and not a trace of malice.

Michael Jackson

Could this really be the face of a pedophile? I cannot believe that (it would reek of an evil I don’t want to contemplate exists in my world) and today I choose not to remember him for the accusations. Thank you for the music MJ, you rocked our world. Enough said, I’ve already done my goodbye’s; Happy Birthday Mr. Jackson and may you rest in peace.