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Food for Thought at 5am…

Food for Thought at 5am…

Malini Agarwal
(Can you please repeat the question?)

I don’t think I’ve ever blogged at 5am (well not my 5am time anyway!) Tonight the world’s first Poetic Social Mission is underway in outer space. I guess its hard to explain how far we’ve come to anyone who’s old enough to understand it. You know, kind of like how nobody looks that different if you see them everyday? But chew on this; I sit here in my room, all alone (for all intents and purposes) and in about 30 minutes I will be part of something well outside my physical reach. Hell I’ll be in outer space. It boggles my mind that I live in this time. Where almost everything that seemed impossible is happening (and nobody is burning at the stake for it.) I realize this may seem a little dramatic, but it is 5am after all and I just spent the last 5 hours bouncing around at Tote (Mumbai’s newest hot-spot for the rich & restless.) Maybe I’m trying to justify myself by staying awake for this, maybe I’m just genuinely curious… Whatever the case may be, I feel like I’m about to hitch a ride, courtesy the improbability driver and trip the light fantastic! Watch this once-in-a-lifetime event, a poetic social mission even if you have no idea what that means (you’re probably not alone.) Watch with the knowledge that we all try (in our own humble ways) to find the meaning of life… and perhaps that’s what binds us, that we all try…
P.S. I’ll see you at the restaurant at the end of the universe!