You gotta love this; for about 12 hours on Sunday October 25th loads of volunteers from The Wall Project turned up to finish painting all of Tulsi Pipe road, beginning at Mahim (W) Machimaar nagar bus stop and ending up at Matunga Station (W) as well as the wall opposite Phoenix mills to E Moses signal (Senapati Bapat Marg), Mumbai. What did they paint? Just about anything inspired by art, music, nature, love, the abstract and real life (barring adverts, religious views, political slogans and foul language of course.) There was a cool literacy drive too, using the hindi alphabet conceptualized by Ambika Nehru which went swimmingly! The BMC surprisingly coughed up a free (albeit limited) supply of paints and brushes. Good on them and cheers to a colorful Mumbai! Look out for it ok?

I think I just fell in love with Mumbai ALL over again, didn’t you? Tons more pictures of Facebook. They really are a delight to look at trust me!