Bindu Subramaniam

I got this from the PR monster about an hour ago. “Singer/Songwriter Bindu Subramaniam received an Honourable Mention from the prestigious 16th Annual Billboard World Song Contest for “When It’s Dark”, a song she composed and wrote for her soon-to-be-released debut solo album. She was also selected as Top 20 Finalist (Performance) by the 12th Unisong International Song Contest, and is the only Indian to have received this honour. Says Bindu, ‘To be recognised as a songwriter by American Music Industry giants like Billboard and Unisong is truly humbling.   I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my music with such a wide audience. I am delighted that my music would be singled out from the thousands of other composers and songwriters and honoured. When It’s Dark’ is a song that is specially close to my heart, because it was the first song I recorded for my album, and it features some amazing musicians like my father L. Subramaniam (dubbed

“Violin Chakravarthy” – Emperor of Violinists by the Governor of Madras)

, Grammy nominated vocalist Matthew Santos and Blues Harmonica legend Corky Siegel.  The song deals with the issue of faith and our difficulty in sustaining it through our dark moments.’
So, I can’t say I  particularly care about the Unisong International Song Contest (lol what a karaoke name btw) but I just had to show you her strangely intriguing Jai Ho accessorizing. HHC verdict please?