Happy Children’s Day! I think it was a super cute idea to switch profile pix on Twitter (whoever’s it was, thanks for the heads up @Zzeba) and I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s baby avatars, thank you for showing mine so much love as well 🙂 I picked a few I found for your viewing pleasure (sorry if I missed anyone!) and just because it’s Children’s Day in India, here are my top 2 kiddie videos on YouTube (thank you Diya for showing me the Charlie bit my finger video, hilarious.) Enjoy!
Didjya Know?
While November 20th is universally celebrated as Children’s Day, in India this day has been pre-poned to 14th November 14th, the date the marks the birth anniversary of independent India’s first Prime Minister – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The reason why his birthday has been chosen for the celebration of children is because of his love and passion for children.