You’ve seen Deepika Padukone’s semi-discreet RK tattoo right? Well now that Ranbir Kapoor is no longer her boyfriend she’s faced with a rather curious dilemma and as I see it only 4 options; 1) Painful tattoo removal surgery, 2) date boys exclusively with those initials 3) never wear her hair up or 4) set her sights on Shah Rukh Khan and eventually add an “S” to the mix, before the RK 🙂 – ok I confess this rather brilliant idea isn’t mine (although I wish it were) due credit to a friend of a friend who was giggling about this on my car ride home last night, she heard it from someone who works at Filmfare. +10
Psst! I’m told her tattoo looks exactly like the RK crest on all the studio employee uniforms, wow that wasn’t very smart now was it? (unless she decides to join the crew and is gunning for employee of the year, way to show your dedication!)