CMYK the Bookstore
CMYK the Bookstore
CMYK, Lodhi Road
find your way to CMYK
find your way to CMYK

And while we’re on the subject of books I’ve been wanting to tell you about this awesome new bookstore in Delhi called CMYK (yay finally something for my Delhi peeps!) Its a Roli Books initiative located behind the India Habitat Centre on Lodhi Road, New Delhi. You see, one of my favorite things about traveling around the world has been (believe it or not) cozy, creative, crazy bookstores and I get excited whenever I hear about spaces like this that stay true to the art they encourage. So whether you’re interested in art, design, photography, architecture, the performing arts, monographs, travel, lifestyle, erotica, specialty cookbooks, fashion, gardening, India or more you’ll find something for you here, including the best illustrated books from top international publishers.
P.S. I also LOVE stationary. But I’ve told you this before, remember Designwallas and those 500 pencils?

Handle with care - limited edition books!
Handle with care – limited edition books! (Don’t you love that?!)

CMYK also stocks creative stationery; kitschy diaries, icon journals and folders; funky office stationery, alarm clocks, FM cubes, shower FM radios, giant calculators, mini binders, photo clips, book clocks, USB hubs, memo holders… I could go on and I just know my fellow stationery junkies are getting excited, its just how we are right? 🙂

CMYK The Bookstore
CMYK, New Delhi

To top it all CMYK does movie nights, Pecha Kucha (which means ‘Chitter-Chatter’, ‘Khus-Phus’ or ‘Bak-Bak’ in Japanese) a space for young designers to meet, network and showcase their work on an informal platform – 20 slides for 20 seconds each, art appreciation courses for children, the country’s leading collectors and gallerists speak informally about how to build a collection and they’re planning their next Pecha Kucha on architecture. So if you’re in the area you should definitely go check it out, in fact join the CMYK bookstore on Facebook for updates no matter where in the world you are! (And CMYK please open a Mumbai edition, I have a sudden craving for an FM cube.)
Fact: Many a (love)story has started in a place just like this 🙂

Didjya Know?
CMYK refers to the four inks used in most color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key black.
The “K” in CMYK stands for key since in four-color printing cyan, magenta, and yellow printing plates are carefully keyed or aligned with the key of the black key plate. Some sources suggest that the “K” in CMYK comes from the last letter in “black” and was chosen because B already means blue.
Cool eh?