All those memories have come flooding back suddenly and now I feel like going home and reading all the ones I’ve saved since high school… Thanks to @CardiffGarcia on Twitter I just stumbled upon another one of those amazing websites (like that you can spend hours prowling around. This one is called Letters of Note and the one that seems to have caught everyone’s attention is a note written by a then 14-year-old Slash to a girl who had just broken up with him, apparently for talking about his guitar too much! Incredible. They’re also on Facebook and you can follow @LettersOfNote on Twitter too. Now I’ve started my day with that warm and fuzzy feeling – thank you @CardiffGarcia and of course 14-year-old-Saul aka Slash 🙂
Psst! Slash is scheduled to perform in Mumbai sometime soon, hopefully I’ll sneak in a radio interview and definitely ask him about “Michele”!