
I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of this for some time now. What’s it really like behind-the-scenes in the fashion world? I plan to find out at Lakme Fashion Week but I figured I’d also do a little Bollywood research! So you remember the movie “Fashion” right? I thought it would only be fitting to get Ashwin Mushran (who plays Priyanka Chopra’s gay best friend/designer in the film) to spill the beans on what he learnt on set!


“Things I learnt while making Fashion”
by Ashwin Mushran1. I’m definitely not Gay. Rohit Khanna the character is… NOT ASHWIN MUSHRAN.2. All aspiring designers have terrible taste in clothes.3. Nobody knows anybody’s name in the fashion world.4. There are only 2 names used in the Fashion world….”Darling” & “Sweetie”.5. Darling, I can’t remember the 5th thing. Sorry Sweetie.6. Lingirie modeling is a sin and you’ll be thrown out of your house for indulging in such dirty activities even though the whole world wears underwear.7. If you lose your morals don’t worry. Just go back to Chandigarh, or any other town in North India, get some new ones, come back to Bombay and everything will be fine again.8. Real models are actually quite cool, smart, fun to be around, look perfectly decent without make up and have a much harder job than you like to think.9. According to bollywood, Fashion is… JALWA!10. At the end of the day everyone secretly wants to spend all their time wearing jeans t-shirts and a pair of flip flops.

And that my friends is… FASHION!

LOL 🙂 Brilliant! I love it, thank you Ashwin!