On Monday night I ended up at China House after a night of Karaoke at Not Just Jazz by the Bay (where I heard the 3,715th karaoke rendition of Summer of 69 by two enthu-cutlet white boys and a whole bunch of screaming girls signing off key, I call it extreme entertainment!) Anyway as we got to China House some serious push and shove action was going on at the door. The bouncers appeared to be evicting a rich brat after he crossed the line of misconduct inside and his “Don’t you know who I am?” earned him a swift kick in the rear. Sweet. I decided to investigate and have this to report. Unfortunately no ID on the guy (or you know I’d have called him out.)
Apparently there was a private party on where this fugly dude was making everyone do shots and even managed to chip his friends tooth in the process (real classy) Mr. Fugly proceeded to get super wasted and picked a fight with the bartender and even threw something at him. Security would have none of this of course and promptly threw his sorry ass out of the club. Apparently he was a guest at the hotel so I wonder if he made it back in at all or ended up sleeping in his car? Go China House. I support your zero tolerance policy for the drunk & stupid (no matter who they think they are.)