I think it’s time for a little random blogging… so @punkpolkadots just sent me this hilarious picture of a note she found online and it got me reminiscing about the days when life (and all its explanations used to be this simple.) I would really love to meet this guy once he’s all grown up (I have a sneaky suspicion I may already have!)
Oh and since we’re being random here’s a poem in the same vein, by Brian Patten that I have always loved.
A Blade of Grass
You ask for a poem.
I offer you a blade of grass.
You say it is not good enough.
You ask for a poem.
I say this blade of grass will do.
It has dressed itself in frost,
It is more immediate
Than any image of my making.
You say it is not a poem,
It is a blade of grass and grass
Is not quite good enough.
I offer you a blade of grass.
You are indignant.
You say it is too easy to offer grass.
It is absurd.
Anyone can offer a blade of grass.
You ask for a poem.
And so I write you a tragedy about
How a blade of grass
Becomes more and more difficult to offer,
And about how as you grow older
A blade of grass
Becomes more difficult to accept.