But really, what mega birthday-party is complete without a little something out of the ordinary to rave about until the next one eh? Well MTV International has just started production on a global version of a TV show called “My Super Sweet” which follows young (rich, very rich) people as they showcase their glamorous lifestyles and plan huge and exciting birthday parties! (Sing Sing, how old are you again?) Here’s where it gets really interesting, they’re planning to feature several episodes right here in Mumbai (where the Bollywood brat-pack begins, and doesn’t end!) So if you are, or know anyone who is…
a.) turning 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 or 21 this year
b.) Planning a huge (read expensive) birthday party to celebrate
c.) Are crazy rich and proud of your/their glamorous lifestyle
d.) confident characters eager to be on TV
…then boy have I got the show for you!
P.S. I’m currently on season 2 of Gossip Girl and I can totally see Blair like rocking this show. Lol.

The series will air on more than 30 MTV channels around the world and is part of the network’s new content strategy focussed on commissioning and development for its international platforms.
Psst! There is also room for a celebrity special (but of course) so if any stars have siblings or children who are throwing huge birthday parties give Claire (Casting Assistant Producer)
a heads up on c.selim@mavericktv.co.uk please!