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Faking it has never been so much fun!

Faking it has never been so much fun!

Malini Agarwal

MissMalini, Juhi Pande and Sunny Sara

OMG the Diesel “Fake Party” at Palladium, Phoenix Mills was such a blast! First up props to Sunny Sara, Shashi Thadani & Ritik Bhasin from Orion Entertainment for a seriously kick-ass set up. It was so funky! I’ll post all the press kit photos as soon as they come in so you can see what I’m talking about but for now here’s what MY tech toys captured. I’m especially pleased with the videos since by some stroke of twisted luck I ended up at the exact corner of the dance floor with the best view of the fake fashion show! Whoever said being the first person on the dance floor is stupid, In. Your. Face.
P.S. Yeah I wore the little red dress again 🙂 Besos is celebrating 2 years btw drop in to the store if you get the chance!

It was, needless to say PACKED and everywhere you looked pretty people seemed ready to get STUPID drunk, the only hitch was that the Vodka ran out pretty early on and then everyone switched to red wine, which FYI tastes pretty damn awful with Redbull (hahaha just kidding, I didn’t try that, I swear.) also since on nights like this (when I get home at 6:00am from Hype) the memories are sketchy I’ll just tell you the bits I loved (and remembered) in random order, cool?

I Remember that…

The look alikes!
Doppleganger parade

1. Like I said, they ran out of Vodka around midnight, I feel this might have been a brilliant ploy to ensure people leave by 1:30am (which most people did and ended up at Hype!)
2. After a while the look alikes totally seemed as though they thought they were real celebrities!
3. Forget that! After a while even the s
ecurity was acting like the look alikes were the real deal and nobody should mob them LOL oh and at some point Fake Shahid Kapoor emerged from the green room with a clip board, clearly an office flunky they decided to have a little fun with, oh dear.
4. The general consensus amongst the many women who think Sahil Shroff is cute is that he shouldn’t wear a hat.
Anusha Dandekar was grumpy but gorgeous.

I love that…

Gokul Funk Kadam, Nikhil Chinapa & Karthik
MissMalini, Inés and Imene

1. Nikhil Chinapa married DJ Pearl because they are the ultimate party starters and their kids are gonna have mad skills.
2. Dirty Vegas was in the house because I have always tripped on “Days Go By” and I got to hear it in the flesh (again right up front and center on the dancefloor, still in your face, ha!)
3. A darling little French girl called Inés came running up to me as I was leaving to say, “Are you MissMalini? I love your blog!” OMG best feeling ever 🙂 big love to everyone out there in Paris that reads my blog. Paris je t’aime <3
4. Sunny was so psyched about his designer white shirt by Nishka!

. Sapna Bhavnani did such an awesome Amy Winehouse impersonation and even mock tripped down the escalator, that girl’s got mad skills.
6. Hype was rocking (and for some reason Tere Liya from the movie “Prince” is the Bollywood song of choice for non-bollywood places.)
7. DJ Aqeel (who I heart) totally offered to play at my wedding (whenever that is) free of cost. OMG OMG OMG Yay!