Gonna post launch party pix from Kishore DF’s new bar called WTF in Bandra in just a bit but first you just have to see the fashion fatalities we spotted last night at China House & the Grand Hyatt coffee shop (which is useful since it gives you something to do while the waiters are ignoring you.) My friends are awesome and always help me try to get candid shots of the offending character which general involves a lot of mock posing so they don’t know what we’re up to (that’s it, next time I’m breaking out the Flip!) We developed this technique way back at Fashion Week (also at the Hyatt) some time ago where we spotted this fellow who looked like he was aspiring to look like a Mahesh Manjrekar look-alike! Anyhoo ladies please note: knee high black boots (are you crazy? It’s 30 degrees out), poofy black mini skirt and tacky peach tube so not flattering. Also when going for the “baby-doll” look it helps if you haven’t painted your face porcelain white and taken the whole “frock” thing too far. There was even a lady we spotted on our way out wearing what appeared to be a gold prom dress, ugliest thing I ever saw, we couldn’t even get a picture because the flash reflected off it like a nuclear explosion. Burn it, burn it now.
P.S. Christina Aguilera called, she wants her clothes back.