I just got some awesome new pictures of Rahul Khanna and since I know how much you love him I decided to share 🙂 Plus since he is always so impeccably dressed I figured we should get his his take on fashion for the boys (who could use some help) and also the girls (who think their boys could use some help Lol!)
Enzwai (as they say in Dally) and hit “Like” if you like what you see. (Yum!)
Rahul Khanna’s Top 5 Fashion Tips for Men!

1.) I’m a logophobe. Call me old-fashioned but I prefer labels on the inside of my clothes. If you’re going to display the brand, why not display your size, as well? Much to the amusement of friends, family and staff, I put great effort into having visible labels and logos removed from my clothes and accessories.
2.) Play it cool. Dress according to the climate you’re in. I get really uncomfortable when I see people wearing turtlenecks and heavy synthetic clothes in the Bombay heat. Cottons, linens and other natural fabrics are so much more weather appropriate here.
3.) Easy on the manscaping. I think I’m in the minority here but why is everyone suddenly telling us we all have to look like Cirque de Soleil performers? Gone are the days when guys could gloat to girls that our faces were the only thing we had to shave. If you must manscape, use restraint and do a thorough job. Overly tweezed eyebrows are incredibly creepy and chest stubble looks bizarre.
4.) Clean up your act. Brush your teeth, wash your face, keep your nails clean and be freshly showered as much of the time as possible. It’s easy. I shouldn’t have to be making a point of this.
5.) Blondes prefer gentleman. Open doors, pull out chairs and hold umbrellas for ladies. Even the most staunch feminist secretly likes to be pampered and it’s a great throwback to the super stylish and terribly civilized way our grandparents generation lived.
(Read more MissMalini blogs on 911fashion.frenchconnection.in.)