Call me immature but I find it quite exciting when my spy network reports in about this dynamic duo (I had a feeling you know) whether they’re attending sports memorabilia auctions, having drinks at Aer (like they did yesterday) or attending the re-opening of Club Fresh in Goa (where these pictures are from.) Deepika Padukone and Siddharth Mallya appear to (quite literally) be going to town with their relationship! Whatever happened to celebrity discretion? Oh well, its more fun this way anyway. How about we calculate their love compatibility while we’re at it!
Siddharth was born on May 7th making him a Taurean, and Deepika was born on January 5th making her a Capricorn which according to the several zodiac websites I visited means; “This combination of signs is definitely a love connection. Taurus and Capricorn were made for each other. Both the Capricorn and the Taurus like money (no kidding it really says that!) Both have earthy, passionate natures, and sensual Taurus can tap the deep well of romanticism that lies under Capricorn’s reserve. This is one of those relationships that others are jealous of. Chances are, they are soul-mates.” Break out the bubbly papa Mallya at this rate you may soon become a daddy-in-law.
Psst! I accidentally typed “bork” instead of “born” earlier now and think I just invented a new word: bork = born to be dork lol.