I meant to post this yesterday on Children’s Day, but better late than never I suppose… I’m always telling you about cool stuff for grownups to do so figured I’d let you in on a little toddler action too.
Psst! My nephew Rehaan takes this class (and has met his first girlfriend here, Awww.)

Aditi Shah and Shachii Manik’s Musical Bonding Class is an innovative child and parent program devoted to the physical, emotional and social development of your child between the ages of 6 months to 5 years. Through specially created music and movements, the program introduces to children the various musical instruments, beats, scales, rhythms, pitches and body movements. This is done in an absolute fun, group play environment where in every session both the parents and the child participate.

Each session is 10 weeks long and the class is held once a week for an hour. There are various centers in Khar, Juhu and Andheri where this class is being conducted. More centers are being added. When you pay for one 10-week session, you get a CD and songbook for the collection of songs that will be used in that particular session. The song collection changes every session. The charges very between 2,800rs and 3,300rs per 10-week session at the various locations.

New sessions are starting in the first week of December. For more information please visit www.musicalbonding.com, contact musicalbonding@gmail.com or call +919769910499