“After Eight” by James Ferreira & Savio Jon,created exclusively for Ensemble features opulent jewel tones and luxurious fabrics was recently launched amid the glitterati.
Spotted: Host Tina Tahiliani, Nethra Raghuraman, Sujata Assomul-Sippy, Arjun Bhasin, Samantha Nayar, Leena Mogre, Jyoti Golani, Shraddha Nigam & Mayank Anand, Julie de Clermont Tonnerre and Martina Neuu.
P.S.”To name a few” is probably the most common phrase in the PR dictionary (just like the most common conversation starters amid the Page 3 crowd.) Every single celebrity laundry list in the PR notes I get ends with “To name a few” right after they’ve name everybody. Hilarious. 🙂