- Kicking it for a cause!

- Kicking it for a cause!
- Kicking it for a cause!
- Kicking it for a cause!
We laughed our way onto the field after seeing the MagicBus team. All sported proper uniforms and cleats, while some even sported bushy mustaches. Our competitions looked more like men than boys, and were ready to play. Since when are 17 year olds this intimidating? And then the whistle blew…
In all truthfulness and no thanks to my awful defending skills, we were a bit shabby. The MagicBus team kicked our booties and out-shined our players when our teams decided to play mixed.
Losers or winners, I have never been so proud of my team. Showing passion, support, teamwork, and amazing sportsmanship, they played and lost with winning smiles.
I can’t wait to kick it for a cause again… or should I say get kicked for a cause?