So I decided to up the gossip heat a notch on my blog and have therefore enlisted the help of special correspondent Asif Rizwanullah from the US to tap his sources for the deadliest celebrity dope. You won’t believe the stuff that’s leaking online these days courtesy WikiLeaks so we decided to launch our own version – WikiLeaks You’ll Never See! 🙂

Classified – Obama’s Visit to India
When you really think about it, diplomats have it rough. How would you like to have the weight of an entire nation’s reputation on your shoulders? Imagine the poor ambassador who has to find out the hard way that a friendly thumbs up in one country is the equivalent of a middle finger in another. So how do they wind down after a long stressful day adhering to stringent protocol? If Wikileaks’ disclosure of 250,00 confidential diplomatic cables tell us anything, it’s that diplomats love to share scathing gossip about each other once they are done smiling and shaking hands. As dirty laundry is aired out every other day throughout the blogosphere, the Wikileaks are causing diplomats to leak into their own pants out of fear. I need to get in on this action, and I’ve set my crosshairs on the big fish, perhaps the biggest fish of all: one Barak Hussein Obama. You’ll be shocked to find out what went down on his recent trip to India. Let’s just say good ol’ Barry was secretly photographed engaging in some “compromising” situations. And it ain’t the type of compromises he so passionately advocates for. Enjoy!

Psst! Click on the thumbnails to see the full image.

P.S. Here’s the scoop if you’re having trouble understanding the last image 🙂