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Shamita Singha Hosts Valhalla’s New Menu Tasting

Shamita Singha Hosts Valhalla’s New Menu Tasting

Malini Agarwal
Shamita Singh
Andrea Brown, MissMalini and Narendra Kumar
Carol Gracias

I have spent most of my weekend in PJs recovering at home because I had SUCH a good time at Valhalla on Friday night (no jokes.) What started as a chilled out menu tasting (and a potential new recruit in the MissMalini blogger chain with Bhisham Mansukhani offering to join the bandwagon and review cocktails & wine yaay!) we ended up dancing up a storm at one of the tables in the back till almost 3am! The food was very yum (especially the miniature lamb kebabs with tatziki and warm asparagus shots.
Spotted: Rishad Byramjee, Rahul Kanuga, Tricia Batliwalla, Shamita Singha, Apoorva & Shilpa Agniotri, Candice Pinto, Amit Gaur, Narendra Kumar, Carol Gracias, Samuel Ziza, Tejaswini Kolhapuri, Vikram Phadnis, Ash Chandler, Rij Eappen, TC, Junelia Aguiar, Aditi Talreja and Sameer Seth (more pix here.) Special mention to Rishad and Rahul who played perfect hosts along with Shamita. Fun fun 🙂
P.S. To the “mean girls” from the ladies room (where I  witnessed  some surprising reverse racism) I was tempted to post your  picture here and call you out  but you’re probably not worth it… (however, don’t push  your luck.  Lol)

Bhisham Mansukhani and MissMalini
Ash Chandelar and Junelia Aguiar
Aditi Talreja
Candice Pinto
Amit Gaur
MissMalini and Andrea Brown
Rahul Kanuga, Shamita Singha and Mr & Mrs. Rishad Byramjee
Narendra Kumar
Sameer Seth
Shilpa and Apoorva Agniotri
Tejaswini Kolhapuri
MissMalini and Nowshad Rizwanullah
Marcellus Baptista

This has got to be my favorite picture of Marcellus Baptista ever. He’s a fellow journo and manages to attend every single event  with a big smile on his face (and a glass in his hand, maybe that’s the  secret!) xoxo