I read a lot of Bollywood gossip online (occupational hazard if you please) but I have to say, stories with racy headlines that have zero substance tend to piss me off. Case in point bollywoodtrade.com decides it needs an eye-catching headline; what do they have? A tiny anecdote on Aamir Khan probably goofing around and being mock-upset that his make-out scene in Dhobi Ghaat was shorter than he would have liked *guffaw* typical male comment, just him being cute (c’mon he’s Aamir Khan I doubt he’d have trouble getting action if he wanted it!) whatever it is… what do they write up?
“Aamir upset over lovemaking scene”
“Aamir Khan is upset with Kiran Rao. The reason: Aamir’s lovemaking scene in Kiran Rao’s directorial debut was cut short by the director. And Aamir has chosen to speak about the same. In a recent interview, Aamir pointed out the disappointment he faced when his lovemaking scene was cut short by the director.”
And it doesn’t stop there.
“Says Aamir, ‘When I read the script of DHOBI GHAAT, I spotted a sequence where I was to do a love making scene. So, I was pretty excited about the same. Finally, when we started filming the said sequence, the lovemaking was over before I could realise it,” chuckles Aamir.”
Wtf?! First of all stop saying “the same” its just as annoying as “kindly do the needful” and “same as above”. 2nd, there is no way in hell Aamir used both “the same” and “said sequence” as you have so succinctly quoted above, is there a word limit you must reach everyday? Sorry @punkpolkadots totally borrowing that from you!) There should seriously be a virtual garbage truck for pointless sh*t like this. Ok,I’ll do the needful and calm down now. Aamir on behalf of embarrassed bloggers everywhere I apologize for bolly-drivel, you know, the same as above. Lol.