BlackBerry Messenger
BlackBerry Messenger

Seriously the only thing better than text messaging, is FREE text messaging! That’s why you’ve got to love your BBM (BlackBerry messenger for the uninitiated) and its easy as pie. Each handset has a unique BBM pin (and no I’m not giving you mine) that allows you to add friends, create groups and do all of that for absolutely free, nada, niet. Love it? I do! It also makes my work life a gazillion times easier cos my trusted assistant Sue can BBM me pix from events she’s covering so I can tweet them and voila I’m in two places at once. Shh! Trade secret, don’t tell anyone 🙂
Post what you use your BBM for in the comments below, I’d like to know!
P.S. Peeps who have all those complicated symbols as your BBM name, please stop. Its impossible to find you on my BBM list if your name changes from “!” yesterday, to “*” today and “@” tomorrow #stopitstopitnow