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I Got Rocked! (Rules of Engagement)

I Got Rocked! (Rules of Engagement)

Malini Agarwal
Bling! Bling!

For the record (and since this seems to be everybody’s favorite joke/question) No, I’m NOT changing the name of my blog to MrsMalini.com, thank you very much!

I  would be lying if I didn’t admit that this was a long time coming. (I mean I   was born in 1977 so you do the math!) But after years of fantasizing about   the “big moment” I can honestly say I finally met a guy who out-imagined me 🙂 It’s Valentine’s Day, so I’m taking this opportunity to get super mushy and give you all the glorious details of the big surprise <3 Nowshad Rizwanullah, I can’t wait to marry you!
Psst! All the theme decor you see in the room is by Nicole and Mike who have recently started a delightful venture known as

Cupids Closet.

Not only will they come up with the perfect surprise for you to spring  on any occasion, they’ll help you execute it too! Write to them now at noversier@gmail.com. You can also post a comment below to win one surprise on the house just by telling us who you need to stun and why! xoxo
Wanna know how he asked me? 🙂

I Got Rocked: Decoy Dinner

Mabruk, Sahara Star

So Thursday night I was scheduled to have a pre-valentine’s dinner date with my boyfriend (since he’s in Hyderabad for work today) which I was  already pretty excited about because I didn’t know where we were  going until we pulled up to the Sahara Star and walked into Mabruk (the fabulous Lebanese restaurant) with delish food and front row seats to the hotel’s hilariously random “sound & light show”. Dinner was great and Nowshad (who is well aware of my tendency to suss out surprises) had already planted the idea that we were going to the Grand Hyatt later to meet a business school buddy of his called Eric for a drink, who was only going to be in town for one night…

I Got Rocked: Room with a View

Grand Hyatt

Now here’s the fun part! We drive over to the Grand Hyatt and enroute Nowshad makes a call to “Eric” (who he said was here with his wife Anna and I must ask them how they met because its a great story.) From what I gather Eric has invited us up to his room for a drink. Nowshad even throws in “we can just wait for you downstairs man” before agreeing to go up! So we walk into the hotel and are intercepted by a hostess who asks if she can help us. Nowshad mentions Eric’s room number, hands her a business card and we’re off. We get to the room door and Nowshad knocks and comments that the door seems to be ajar and  maybe we should just go in. Boom. I suddenly find myself surrounded by roses, candles, glitter, champagne, strawberries and chocolate whipped cream (Cupids Corner excellent job!)

Even at this point I’m thinking; wow, what a romantic, he really went all out for Valentines Day! So he tells me that he especially asked for a room with a nice view and I should check it out. So I walk up to the window and when I turn around two seconds later he’s on one knee with a little box in his hands. Oh My God right?! I was kinda in the middle of half crying/half laughing and mostly saying, “Oh My God” when he said, “I know I’ve made you wait a long time for this, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?” It took me under a second to say, “YES!”

China House

It gets better by the way! After he put that dazzling diamond ring on my finger and we *clink clicked* the champagne he revealed that Eric and Anna are actually here but waiting for us at China House to have a drink. So we head downstairs to the club where we were first introduced by a common friend (thank you Mikey!) three and a half years ago. As we walk in, boom again around 30 of our closest friends are gathered around screaming “Congratulations!” and so we proceed to celebrate up a storm till the lights come on! True story.

China House
China House

Thank you everyone for making my day and the endless love and good   wishes pouring in on Facebook makes me feel special everyday! Eric &   Anna, you will forever be part of this memory 🙂 now I just have to meet you and find out how you met! Nowshad, thank you for that   incredible proposal, a delightfully shiny rock and the knowledge that   you will always be there for me, I love you. Happy Valentines Day 🙂   xoxo