5 things Friday
5 things Fridays
Expat Unplugged Diary

I finally have confirmation that my grandparents and great aunties have arrived home safely from their 6 week exploration around India. Thank you Facebook! Yes, you have heard correct. All four have Facebook accounts loaded with status updates, pictures and occasionally very funny travel stories. Putting their technological capabilities to good use, this Friday I have asked two of them to tell me their most memorable and/or favorite:

1. Sight 2. Food 3. Fact you learned 4. Place 5. Person

Aunt Linda replied:

Sight: The views while traveling on the Blue Mountain Railway

Food: The different versions of masala

Fact you learned: Jaipur was built in the form of a nine-part mandela

Place: The opulent Mysore Palace

Person: The Kathakali dancer

My grandmother started off her response with a little sweet talking (what a cutie!) and wrote:

Sight: The best sight on our trip for me, aside from seeing you, was the Dharavi Slum Tour and the Taj Mahal.

She explained that the slum tour gave her a new awareness of the kind of life and people who live there. She said, “I was unaware of the jobs they had with plastics and cloth. It was a very enlightening experience.” Grandmother also stated that the Taj and the history surrounding it were beyond belief.

Food: All the food was great. How could I pick a favorite?

Fact you learned: I could never get used to bargaining.

Place: Unfortunately, I was unable to figure out her favorite place from the long email she wrote. I am going to assume from Grandmother’s closing words “It was a great trip and I loved India!” that her favorite place just could not be determined. Looks like another reason they will have to visit again!

Person: There is one young boy that will never be forgotten after he followed the group all the way to the temple saying, “Don’t you think I am cute?” over and over again.

Wondering about mine?

Sight: Seeing my family open their suitcases stuffed with school supplies and teddy bears to be handed out along the way. They each had around 7 outfits for 6 weeks of travel, but 2 massive bags each. So sweet!

Food: Bhurji pav… at least it is after 2am.

Fact you learned: Beware of manhole coverings!

Place: Vincente Ferrer Foundation in Anantapur

Person: I may be the luckiest girl, because I am surrounded by so many amazing individuals.