The other day I was watching travel and living and was getting a little peeved at all the hosts of the shows, they have fabulous jobs! They get to try out all the best 5 stars restaurants, go and meet interesting people, part-take in extreme action stunts, you name it they get to do it! Wish that was you? Well WittyGift needs someone for the summer to do just that. They need you to try out the best spas, cooking classes at fancy restaurants and even, wait for it – learn how to SAIL!!! What fun! So if you feel you can endure such a torturous job (sarcasm if you please), all you have to do is get as many of your friends to become
fans of ‘WittyGift Experience Box‘
on Facebook as soon as possible. Send in a screenshot of the fan page with your connection to WittyGift on the right as illustrated. The top 5 people with the most friends as fans will be interviewed for the best summer job in the world!
Psst! The Job is in Mumbai and the requirements are:
a) Must have a Facebook profile
b) Must have lots of friends
c) Must be willing to be pampered at Salons and spas
d) Must be adventurous
e) Must be outgoing
f) Must be willing to learn new skills
g) Must be fit enough to engage in physical outdoor activities
MissMalini says: I think we have our dream jobs nailed over here at but even I was tempted to apply for this one! #doitdoitdoit 🙂 xoxo
Rules of the game:
All applications must be received b
y 6pm on March 18th 2011. Please send a screenshot as described above (log on to your Facebook account, go to the fanpage for “WittyGift Experience Box”, click on “Suggest to Friends” on the right of the screen, to send screenshot press “cntrl+alt+Prnt Scrn” to copy, open a word document, “cntrl+v” to paste, attach the word document to an email and send it to ““)
Please include your Name and contact info in the email.
Emails received after March 18th 6pm IST will not be considered. All entries will be verified by WittyGift.
WittyGift reserves the right to choose the final candidate based on this contest and the Interview process.