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MissMalini’s Vero Moda and ONLY Shopping Spree!

MissMalini’s Vero Moda and ONLY Shopping Spree!

Malini Agarwal
MissMalini in Vero Moda and ONLY
MissMalini in ONLY

I’m officially in girlie heaven when I can legitimately say, “oh ya, my job took me shopping the other day.” Right?! So ya, I love my job in case I hadn’t mentioned it several hundred times already 🙂 and I’m in a surprisingly good mood despite my raging hangover after last night which was spent celebrating Redlight’s 10th Anniversary over at least 10 shots, ugh. But that’s a blog of a different color so back to shopping for now; I checked out the gigantic Vero Moda & ONLY store on Linking Road a couple of days ago and picked up some really cute stuff! My top choices were this flower-power dress, funky tees and a key-to-my-heart charm necklace (I’ve always wanted one of those!) Sue Castellino (my assistant fashion blogger/personal stylist convinced me to pick up these black lace shorts and I must admit, good call! I also borrowed her shoes for the picture lol) She also nabbed a pair of stockings with a super-cute bow motif, nice! VeroModaIndia, you like?

MissMalini in Vero Moda
Ver0 Moda