Someone once told me that French people aren’t that friendly and then I met Gilles Amsallem, co-founder of French Tuesday’s and possibly the happiest, shiniest Frenchman ever to set foot in Mumbai! He also pulled off quite a killer launch at Zinc last Tuesday night (thank you for my hangover Gilles!) I nearly forgot it was Tuesday, good thing I work for myself. 🙂 So French Tuesday’s was founded by Pierre Battu, a Paris native and co-founder Gilles Amasalle several years ago. Their parties have spread from New York to Los Angeles, Miami, San Fransisco, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Martinique Islands, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong and now Mumbai! And boy are we glad because Tuesday nights (at least once a month) will never be the same here 🙂 More pix here.
Keep in mind though, in order to attend, you must be a member of frenchtuesdays.com and to become a member you must be invited or recommended by two other existing members. Though, if you aren’t a member you can attend if an existing member rsvp’s for you. Got that? Oh and always dress sharp, no jeans, shorts or flip-flops allowed gentleman – and trust me girls prefer it that way anyway…
P.S. DJ Pierre Zonzon you are the bomb, I haven’t danced like that in ages (although the Ciroc shots may have had some part to play in that!) Bissoux.