DJ Loyd. “To create a blend of Kamasutra feel I added sounds of santoor, flute and tabla maintaining the originality of the Track. I still felt that it was incomplete without using a Bollywood singer to do a traditional sufi combined with some Bollywood drama.”
Nicole has been an un-official global ambassador of Desi culture, music and fashion, remember her Jai ho collaboration with A.R. Rahaman? Now Desi Hits have cranked out yet another fusion collabo, this time it none other then the former lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger, and DJ Lloyd and the Culture Shock boys to create Desi remixes to her hit track, Right There. Listen now!
Psst! DJ Loyd’s version incorporates Sufi singer Raja Hassan. Culture Shock’s electric remix of Right There, features strong Punjabi vocals of Sunny Brown and the soulful sound from Lomatic.
Psst! Nicole even throws down a shout out to PC in the mix!