To colour or not to colour?
After the initial apprehension, long discussions with the girls and much needed encouragement from
Natasha Naegamwala
and the
Wella Kolestint
team, I took the plunge.

The first step, choosing the right colour. Feeling a little emboldened, I chose the
Medium Mahogany Brown(number 5/5)
from Wella Kolestint with an iridescence like finely spun dark copper. I then proceeded to go in for a global colour on my jet black locks.

The application was simple, as the product is surprisingly easy to use.. I followed the online tutorial on the Wella Kolestint site for easy application,and had a little help from mum! Pre cream application, product application, leafing through the latest Vogue, a tall glass of iced tea in hand, I gave it around 40 minutes and was ready for a wash.

The anticipation now had me on the edge.. quick blow dry and et voila, the light caught the gorgeous mahogany in my hair and the colour was ready for the world to behold. It sure got me noticed, and how!

Its been 2 weeks already, and ever so many washes later, the colour is as good as new.. and I’m a believer. Ladies, its time to take the leap of faith, make the switch today! I’ve made the switch, Have You?