It’s always a bit strange and flattering when someone you don’t know recognizes who you are and what you do. Let me explain, at Serendipity the waiter comes up with this huge edible shoe desert. Naturally, I just HAD to get a picture of it. So I head on over to the table and ask the folks if I can take a picture of it saying that I write for a blog (but didn’t mention which one). Might I just add, it was a table full of good looking Desi girls and boys! The next day checking my twitter account I see the following, and was thrilled!

Props to our MissMalini readers, well dressed and working the social media! Have a good remaining trip in the U.S Jotsna Reddy! Also, for those who were wondering what exactly is in the ‘Priscilla Queen of the Desert’ Sundae, here it is:
7 Milk Chocolate High Heel Shoe
5 Scoops of Vanilla & Chocolate Ice Cream
Reeses Pieces
Peanut Butter Sauce
Chocolate Sauce
Whipped Cream
‘Carment Miranda’ Candies
Candy Glitter