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Expat Unplugged: Five Things Fridays

Expat Unplugged: Five Things Fridays


Awkward and Awesome

Awkward and Awesome


1. Mosquito bites in absolutely inappropriate places. It is quite a skill to be able to scratch bites under your arms without looking like an orangutan. Let’s not even talk about the awkwardness of bites on your bum.
2. Having a client ask about the large ink circle on your arm. You casually say it’s a TB Test and watch them slowly scoot further away. You swear you are not contagious, but everyone has already shifted to the other side of the room. Dang it!
3. Having your feet covered in multiple footprints after getting stuck in a stampede at Dadar Station… and then not being able to pronounce the name correctly when trying to explain to your coworkers why it looks as if you didn’t take a shower. Note to self: It is definitely time to bust out the Rosetta Stone Hindi program.
4. Human Resources conveniently needs passport photos for your visa renewal on the day you do not apply a spec of makeup and your hair is reminiscent to Jenny from the Block. Stunning.
5. While running incredibly late to work, asking your significant other to please drop of your Sputum Test at the laboratory. There is nothing like phlegm in a jar to reignite the romance.


1. Sales, sales, and more sales. So tempting!
2. Extremely reasonable health care costs. The national average price of a chest X-Ray in the States is a whopping $370 without insurance. Paying Rs. 250 ($5.64) for a chest X-Ray this week was totally worth the  “No Significant Abnormalities Found” results.
3. Get Well Soon emails containing oodles of new tunes to wiggle the booty to. Oh yeah, Mr. Adam Levine, you are not the only one with Moves like Jagger. Thank you Best Friend for the  blessing of the heavenly remixes like Adele’s Rolling in the Deep by Avicci. A must!
4. Stuffing your belly with tons of scrumptious Mexican food. End of disucssion.
5. Having an excuse to wear rain boots with your business dress instead of proper shoes. Maybe a little awkward in some fashion books, but awesome according to the MissMalini crew (or at least a few). Thank you heavy rains.

P.S. You know what’s Super Awesome? MissMalini’s Turning Point UnWine’d: Make it Rain Dance/Pool Party Brunch! I am beyond excited to have a reason to wiggle my booty while in rain boots with my besties and lotsa vino!! Yay! xoxo