Preity Zinta is busy working on her home production Ishq In Paris, a rom-com set in (where else!) Paris. Ishq In Paris is about the French fashion industry and in the spirit of the film, PZ is going to be co-designing a signature black dress, which is (hold your breath) along the lines of Audrey Hepburn’s in Breakfast At Tiffany’s.

Surily Goel has designed all the other outfits in the film, but this ‘trademark’ dress will be a co-creation. The dress will be unlike anything we’ve seen before on Preity. It will be elegant and sleek with all the Tiffany’s trimmings: hat, jewellery and black alligator shoes. And, if the dress is a hit with the audience, the effervescent actress may come out with her own line after the film’s release. Think SJP and Jessica Simpson.

I’m a HUGE Hepburn fan. I have seen almost all her movies, and have watched Tiffany’s at least 10 times and Audrey Hepburn in that black Givenchy dress, with a string of pearls and a cigarette holder has to be one of the most iconic cinematic images of all times. On par with Marilyn Monroe in her white halter dress. Can Preity pull off a Holly Golightly? I have my reservations.
Well, if her last appearance on celluloid is anything to by, then perhaps not. The last time we saw Preity in a film, she was dancing to a song called ‘Happening,’ from Main Aurr Mrs. Khanna, and didn’t look very happening at all.

And then we saw her on TV for the Guinness World Records show… and she wasn’t making or breaking any records with her fashion sense on that one.

She looks like an ageing Blair Waldorf minus headband.

And here she resembles the cartoon Bob The Builder.
BUT- having said all of that – I came across some pictures of PZ during the 2009 edition of the IPL in South Africa. And she channeled her inner Audrey quite well! Looks like she’s already halfway Hepburn.

The dress she’s designing may be the classic look we’ve all been waiting for! I quite look forward to seeing PZ on screen again, it will be a nice break from the current brat pack!