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Celebrity Wives and Kids at Spy Kids 4 Premiere

Celebrity Wives and Kids at Spy Kids 4 Premiere

Dhruvi Shah
Dj Aqeel with his kids
Aarav (Akshay Kumar’s son)

PVR Juhu was packed on a Wednesday evening as the cinema saw celebrity wives and their kids filter in for the Spy Kids 4 movie premiere. Of course, hi-fashion found a showing as Birkins, Louis Vuittons, Chanels and the like made for arm candy. Niceties and air kisses were exchanged among the mommies where as video game reviews were being shared by the kids. What struck my colleague was the smartness Aarav (Akshay Kumar‘s son) displayed. He entered without his parents and didn’t pose for any pictures to begin  with. He quickly made his way to the washroom, straightened his shirt,  fixed his hair and was out. Only this time, he was ready to pose for the  shutterbugs. Now that’s what we call good training, ladies.

Sussanne Khan Roshan with her kids
Gayatri Joshi with her son

Gayatri Joshi was the nicest to us, voicing her views on the  movie while holding her baby on her shoulders. She was impeccably  dressed as always. Also spotted: Sussanne Khan Roshan, DJ Aqeel, Aditi Govitrikar, Kaykashan Patel, Subroto Roy’s son and others.

Aditi Govitrikar with her kids
Kaykashan Patel

Apart from the very social do, there was nothing to look forward to in the movie. Except maybe, Jeremy Piven. The movie was so lame and the 4D lamer, as it all smelled the same. The earlier Spy Kids movies have been way better. Cutting me short, though is the opinion of  my 6 year old nephew and his 3 year old brother. They really enjoyed  themselves. Maybe the warning, for 8 and under only, applies? Let us  know what you think!

At the Spy Kids 4 premiere
At the Spy Kids 4 premiere
Subroto Roy’s Son