To win Dixcy Scott hampers worth 1750rs each just post a comment below describing one quality every bodyguard should have.
Psst! One lucky winner gets a Bodyguard poster autographed by Salman Khan too!
Didjya know Salman Khan has been styled by Dixcy Scott premium innerwear in Bodyguard? In fact, he’s been their brand ambassador for almost two years now and commends the brand for having attributes like his own in Bodyguard – protector, powerful & stylish. So boys, I figured if its good enough for Salman… 🙂 Plus I got to ask him a few questions; since he’s a man of few words I figured I’d do a photo-blog of his responses. Ready?
Salman Khan: “Dixcy Scott as a brand is in perfect sync with my personality and with my character in the movie as well. My association with Dixcy is beyond me being just their brand ambassador; it’s more to do with my belief in the brand, which is further emphasized and extended with Bodyguard.“
MM: In real life have you ever been someone’s bodyguard? Who do you admire the most?

MM: What’s your favorite fashion accessory or style statement?

MM: Three words that best describe Dixcy Scott inner wear.

4. So many young men would kill for a body like yours what’s your advice/tip for them to get your look?

5. You’re a bodyguard on the outside but all heart on the inside, what is the one thing/person closest to your heart?

MM: And now for a Facebook Fan Question…

MM: Your turn to get the Bodyguard look! Post a comment quick 🙂 xoxo