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She Told Mika…

She Told Mika…

Zina Tasreen

MissMalini & I looooove Mika, that ridiculously talented and fabulously camp British singer-songwriter. So much, that I need to be sent to rehab (!!!) for overdosing on his larky, charmingly witty songs ‒ more so after the amazing new single Elle me dit from his upcoming album The Origin of Love. I’m afraid the song’s in French but… I’ve translated the lyrics with my dodgy French for your perusal (thank me later *if* you like the song… I’m like a proud parent when it comes to him!).

Mika in the news

Catchy as usual, but it’s the stark lyrics which stays with you, almost to the point of having a subliminal effect. Inspired by Rita Mitsouko‘s Andy and Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles, the song’s about drifters in life. Do check the wonderfully tongue-in-cheek video featuring the French actress Fanny Ardant… and ponder over the lyrics, maybe.

Elle me dit, “Écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime.”/ She told me: “Write a happy song, not a depressing song, a song that everyone would love.”

Elle me dit, “Tu deviendras milliardaire, tu auras de quoi être fier. Ne finis pas comme ton père.”/ She told me: “You’ll become a millionaire, you’ll have something you’ll be proud of. Do not end up like your father.”

Elle me dit, “Ne t’enferme pas dans ta chambre. Vas-y, secoue-toi et danse. Dis-moi c’est quoi ton problème.”/ She told me: “Don’t lock yourself up in your bedroom. Come on, do something. Tell me what your problem is…”

Elle me dit, “Qu’est-ce que t’as ? T’as l’air coincé. T’es défoncé ou t’es gay? Tu finiras comme ton frère.”/ She tells me “What’s up with you? You look uncomfortable. Are you drunk or on drugs? You’ll end up like your brother.”

Elle me dit, elle me dit: “C’est ta vie. Fais c’que tu veux, tant pis. Un jour tu comprendras. Un jour tu t’en voudras.”/ She tells me, she tells me, “It’s your life. Do what you want, so be it. One day you’ll understand. One day you’ll blame yourself.”

Elle me dit, “T’es trop nul. Sors un peu de ta bulle. Tu fais n’importe quoi. On dirait que t’aimes ça.”/ She tells me, “You’re so hopeless. Get out of your little bubble. You don’t do anything important. It looks like you enjoy it.”

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie (x3)/ Why are you wasting your life away? (x3)
Danse, danse, danse/ Dance away, dance away, dance away
Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie (x3)/ Why are you wasting your life away? (x3)
Danse, danse, danse/ Dance away, dance away, dance away

Elle me dit, “Fais comme les autres garçons. Vas taper dans un ballon. Tu deviendras populaire.”/ She tells me, “Do like other boys. Go kick a ball. You’ll become popular.”

Elle me dit, “Qu’est-ce tu fous sur Internet ? Ç

a va pas bien dans ta tête. Regarde le temps que tu perds.”/ She tells me “What are you doing on the internet? There’s something wrong in your head. Look at all the time you’re wasting.”

Elle me dit, “Pourquoi tu te plains tout le temps ? On dirait que t’as huit ans. C’est pas comme ca que tu vas m’plaire.”/ She tells me, “Why are you complaining all the time? You act like an 8-year old. That’s not how you’re going to please me.”

Elle me dit, “Un jour je serais plus là.” Mais c’est quand elle me dit ça, qu’elle me dit un truc que j’aime.”/ She tells me, “One day I won’t be there anymore.” Only when she tells me this, she tells me something I like to hear.

Elle me dit, “T’as pas encore des ch’veux blancs, mais t’auras bientôt trente ans. Vaudrait mieux que tu te réveilles.”/ She tells me, “You don’t have white hair yet, but you’ll be 30 soon. It’s about time you wake up.”

Elle me dit, “Tu es toujours un enfant. Tu ne seras jamais grand. Et moi je suis déjà vieille.”/ She tells me, “You’re still a child. You’ll never grow up. And I’m already old.”

Elle me dit, “Regarde un peu tes amis. Qu’est-ce qu’ils vont faire de leur vie ? Il y a de quoi se foutre en l’air.”/ She tells me, “Look at some of your friends. What are they doing with their lives? There is something to f@£k up here.”

Elle me dit, “Oui un jour tu me tueras.” Mais c’est quand elle me dit ça, qu’elle me dit un truc que j’aime./ She tells me, “One day you’ll kill me.” And when she tells me this, she tells me something I like to hear.