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This Job is Dynamite! (Looking for Graphic Designers.)

This Job is Dynamite! (Looking for Graphic Designers.)

Malini Agarwal

So I think I told you I’m sharing office space with the super awesome peeps from Dynamite right? Well they’re hiring! So I thought I’d put the word out so we can be work buddies 🙂 Here’s what you need to get the gig… good luck!

Experience: 2 years+ in a Broadcast Design company, television channel,  branding agency, or graphic design firm (also open  to hiring someone who has held senior positions and has experience in  managing a team.)

Skills: Proficient in English with a good  grasp of how to use a variety of Adobe programs such as Indesign,  Illustrator, and Photoshop. After Effects, FCP, Cinema 4D, and Maya are plus points.

CTC: open.

Personality: Outgoing, friendly, and optimistic. Passionate about their field!
email : careers@dynamitedesign.tv