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Besos Sparkling Diwali Festival!

Besos Sparkling Diwali Festival!

Rashmi Daryanani
Besos Sparkling Diwali Festival

Yesterday afternoon, Besos in Bandra held a Sparkling Diwali Festival where we got to see some brands showcase their lovely items. On display were Etc…, Verushka, Bath Etc…, SOS and PrincesseK! Plus, Besos had some cute items inside their store (ruffly shirts and blingy skirts, what’s not to like?), so we checked those out as well and have brought you all the details! Also, check out our top pick from each of the brands!

Etc… scarves!

Mother-daughter duo Sujata and Nupur Sheth own the brand Etc… which features these really cute jewellery scarves – this purple/pink one in particular caught my eye! Very unique and perfect for jazzing up a plain outfit. Also it’s a pretty neat gifting idea so if you want to pick up one for a friend this Diwali, you can contact Nupur at 9930800248 or e-mail her on shethnupur@gmail.com!


Payal Kothari‘s Verushka featured some pretty shoes in different styles, and I really liked this Bardo wedge for Rs. 1800. If it’s something you like or if you’d like to check out more of her designs, you can visit her store at Grand Road, or e-mail her on kothari.payal@gmail.com


SOS featured some handmade jewellery that I really liked, especially those silver drop earrings (and isn’t the packaging so cute?). I also spotted Swati wearing these pretty gold ones that I loved!

Bath Etc…

Pushtiie Shakti (you’ll know her as Mahi from Mahi Way) makes these awesome bath items herself. She has a full range from foot scrubs to oils, but these soaps smelled really good – in particular the jasmine and geranium one! This is also another great gifting idea so you can call her on 9820925884 or e-mail bathetc@pushtiieshakti.com to order some!


Karishma Shahani of PrincesseK blends Indian fabrics with western designs to create some really pretty clutch purses. Of course this one caught my eye – it was pink and sparkly, what did you expect? I’d love to rock this with an otherwise muted down outfit. If this catches your eye as well you can check out their website at www.princessek.com or call 9892135331!


Inside the Besos store I found a bunch of really cute items, and pretty reasonably priced as well! There’s this black skirt I’ve had for ages that I just couldn’t find a top to match, but I finally picked up a white one with black detailing at Besos! They also have a ton of other cute skirts, tops and dresses so if you’re looking to do a little shopping, you should try them out.

The Baking Tray snacks!

The perfect companion to shopping is, of course, sweets! Rebecca Vaz of The Baking Tray made these awesome desserts to munch on while shopping. What a perfect combination, no? 🙂