We’ve been bringing you updates on what Priyanka Chopra has been upto in America, but now she says she’s coming home soon! Guess her recording has been shaping up nicely and she’s ready to wrap it up and head back to B-Town. 🙂 Let’s take a look at what she’s been upto lately.
Looks like workaholic PC is showing them how it’s done! At least the double shifts have been paying off because she seems to be wrapping up everything in time.
I can’t wait to hear!
Yup, writer’s block is the worst, but it happens to everyone. Hopefully she overcame it and got some good lyrics out on paper. I mentioned before that I’m really excited to see what PC’s lyrics are like – I love that she’s writing her own songs!
I love behind-the-scenes sneak-peaks. 😉
Maybe I’m just late here, but I had no idea PC was working with Pete Wentz! Now I’m doubly excited. I’ve been a fan of Pete since his Fall Out Boy days (sad they’re on hiatus now), so this is going to be so cool. The Desi Girl + Fall Out Boy, love it!
P.S., if you’ve heard any of Fall Out Boy‘s music, you’ll know their lyrics are just amazingly good. Pete wrote the lyrics for some of the songs, so if he’s doing a bit of songwriting with PC (as it seems from the tweet above), then I’m pretty sure we’ll have some very well-written songs. Have I mentioned yet that I’m looking forward to this? 🙂 Let us know if you are!