Nissan is currently filming for a Bollywood movie with Ranbir Kapoor – it’s a pretty interesting project because it’s the first time a Bollywood movie has been auditioned for via Facebook. Around 2000 people entered, after which fans were given an opportunity to vote for the best. The top 100 were screened by Ranbir and director/choreographer Ahmed Khan, from which 20 winners were chosen. If you entered and weren’t among the winners, don’t worry – you may still have a surprise cameo role coming your way, and you can even partake in the production process on their Facebook page.
Pssst, check out more behind-the-scenes photos!

The production team is currently all ready in Hyderabad, where they will be shooting over the coming week. Watch this space for more, we’ll be bringing you some exclusive goss and behind-the-scenes footage, as well as some awesome goodies!