
To win a shopping spree worth 20,ooors post a pic of your little wonder (who you plan to take to Mal) on MissMalini’s Facebook Wall! (Nieces and nephews allowed!)

You’ll find MissMalini’s Facebook Wall here.
Children, more than adults love Christmas the most, the whole idea of Santa Claus and presents under the tree has always appealed to little minds. Plus, isn’t it great to be able to blackmail them for good behavior, saying “you want want to be on Santa’s naughty list, hmm?!” Well we don’t know about those lists yet, but we’re very familiar with the best dressed list, that’s why we’re offering you and your favorite little one a chance to go shopping at Mal!
They go up to 8 years (and select collection up to 10/11) xoxo


Mal is a store located in Juhu, that caters to children and expecting mothers. MAL has it’s roots in the word MulMul or a fine Muslin, the goal being to combine the old world charm with modern sensibilities. Stocking designers like Raghavendra Rathore, Sonya Vajifdar, Elizabeth Hurley Beach and Aneeth Arora, you’re kids will be wearing designer earlier than some of your gal pals, isn’t that the most sensational idea? Luxury for babies, I love it! So to make this a fun contest we’ve changed up the format a little, so click a pic of your little wonder asap. 🙂

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