Kingfisher Premium, the Good Times partner of the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2012, presented the city’s largest costume street party – Kingfisher Run In Costume, on Sunday. The Kingfisher Run In Costume took the run to an all new high, in terms of creativity! Participants were seen dressed in imaginative and elaborate costumes, to spread the green message and to support various other social causes, ranging from anti-corruption to education rights.

Around five hundred participants came dressed to get noticed, and were rewarded by acclaimed designers Manoviraj Khosla, Narendra Kumar, and Shaina NC, all of whom were present at the occasion, to judge the ‘Kingfisher Run-In-Costume’.

Kingfisher Green Crusaders, a special category, was given to the character Paper Bride, from the NGO Shraddha, who won Rs. 20,000/- as the first prize. Urvi Shah, a 13 year old dressed as a tree, won Rs.10,000/- as the second prize. Anshul Jain, who was espousing anti-corruption won Rs. 30,000/- in the Kingfisher Mast Mumbaikar category. A group from Shrimad Rajchandra, who dressed as a train, with the tag line ‘Love and Care’, were declared winners of the Kingfisher Bindaas Bandhe category, and took home a whopping sum of Rs. 50,000/-.

The Kingfisher Run-In-Costume was a part of the Dream Run – a 6km run which takes place alongside the actual marathon. The ‘Kingfisher Run-In-Costume’ has, in the past, resulted in a big street party with enthusiastic participation from thousands in innovative and crazy costumes.