MissMalini is only two days away from her wedding, and to get rid of some of the stress, she’s trying out some organic teas to calm those nerves. In fact, she’s chosen brands that Samskara Wellness promotes, which are all organic products. Organic is such a refreshing change from our highly chemical and polluted lives, it’s great to try out if you haven’t already.

Personally, I have been drinking the Traditional Medicinal tea that Samskara Wellness stocks, for quite some time now. My favorite is their ‘Sleepy Time Tea’- great for those insomniac nights that are unbearable. They also have ‘Throat Coat’ another go-to tea, for when I have those hurtful sore throats, that come with Pune’s (and Mumbai’s too) change in weather. Samskara Wellness also has a bunch of other branded stuff I’d like to try out (I’m a big organic enthusiast); Soleo Organics (all natural sunscreens from Australia), I.Q. Air (indoor air purifiers for homes, from Switzerland) & Trillium Organics (massage oils, lip balms & body scrubs from the U.S.A.).
You can buy these things online at their website and here; they also retail out of Watson Fitness at Bandra, Eco Corner at Palladium, Lower Parel and at Green Fields, at Kalaghoda.
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