What is MissMalini saying in this picture?
What is MissMalini saying in this picture?

As you all know, our darling boss, MissMalini, got married over the weekend in Goa to the equally darling, Nowshad Rizwanullah. If two people were ever meant for each other, it’s these two sweethearts.

The wedding was held on Morjim Beach at Marbela Beach Resort, and no prizes for guessing, it was a super-fun event, with a carnival theme (more on that later).

Anyway, here’s another contest for you to win celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani’s Bollywood Calendar 2012. All you have to do, is tell us what MissMalini is saying in the picture above.

Leave your hilarious comments in the “Comments” section below! We’ll pick one lucky winner tomorrow!

Have fun!