Jatin Varma took us into a dawn like daze, with creations that were beautiful to look at, and created an imagery of the early morning, from dew drops to the first rays of sun.
Although he had a show-stopper Ankita Shorey, his real show-stopper were his garments. The show opened with 3 models in the palest of peach outfits, that were made out of laser cut felt, and draped into structured silhouettes. The laser cut fabric, that looked like mesh, was folded to create a 3D effect on some garments, whilst on others, it was simply sewn into basics, that covered fully sequined dresses or maillots.

Jatin chose to work with 4 colours this time – baby blue, fresh peach, soft lemon and stark black. He didn’t mix these colours, but rather, went h2T with them, which strengthened the colour story of the collection. The matt elements were the laser cut garments, that were balanced out by heavily sequined outfits, which glistened beneath.

The facinators on the model’s head, are a great addition to any racecourse lady that wants something a little different – so try to get your hands on one. This very futuristic ladylike collection was a treat for the eyes; my favourite section being the peach and the blues, which had a feminine quality, and are perfect for those upcoming events as they were all very wearable (especially if you’re willing to experiment with your style). It really was understated glamour and high fashion at it’s best, and Jatin Varma should be proud of the collection he put up.

Psst! (insider joke) We can’t wait to see at least one of these creations on your beau, Jatin.