Rihanna really is a chameleon when it comes to her fashion. We’ve witnessed it with the ever changing hair colour and now this complete shift from trendy, poppy and sexy to hobo, grunge and rocker. While she can pull off almost any type of look, we’re wondering if this new trailer trash style(?) is working. I for one don’t think this is RiRi at her best, especially since she’s been a muse to so many girls out there, and it’ll be an epic disaster if everyone dresses quite this…um, interesting?? So, I’m going to pose the question to you, which do you prefer? 1) Rihanna’s Who’s That Chick era; 2) her We Found Love in a Hopeless Place looks or; 3) remember those Please Don’t Stop the Music days? Vote for your favourite Rihanna style period!
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